[pypy-dev] US-friendly timed pypy-sync # 3 2006-03-30, 5pm CET

Anders Lehmann bernstorff_lehmann at mail.tele.dk
Wed Mar 29 16:39:49 CEST 2006

what: weekly pypy-sync meeting
where: #pypy-sync on freenode
when: 2006-03-30, 5pm Central European Time for 30 minutes
who: all active PyPy developers


- activity reports

- the status of uthreads. It is needed by the logic implementation.
- is it premature to think about setting up a buildbot?, and is  
buildbot the right tool ?

- next pypy-sync meeting. I propose that the next pypy-sync meeting  
will be at april 20. due to Leysin sprint and easter.


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