[pypy-dev] Re: CLI code generation

Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com
Tue Mar 21 11:43:05 CET 2006

Niklaus Haldimann <nhaldimann at gmx.ch> wrote on 21/03/2006 10:35:44:

> Hi Ben
> Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com wrote:
> > Does the ootypesystem has high level representations of lists and 
> > yet? Would that perhaps be a good thing for me to try to implement as 
> > way of helping out?
> No, it doesn't have them, yet. But the general idea is to delegate
> completely to the host language here, ie represent RPython lists and
> dicts with corresponding collections from the host language. There will
> be nothing like the rdict and rlist implementations that the
> lltypesystem uses.
> I'm not too sure how specifically this delegation should be done (maybe
> Samuele can say something about it), this is one of the last open issues
> for the ootypesystem. But I'm planning to look into this a bit before
> the end of the week and make e.g. at least tuples work for ootypes and
> the Squeak backend. As I will have much less time for PyPy after this
> week, maybe you can then take over and look into dicts and lists for
> ootype? I'm not sure how realistic it is to expect you to start from
> scratch here without any groundwork already done for ootype collections.

Thanks Nik. 

At most I only have a few hours a week to spend on PyPy, so I am looking 
for something relatively easy to get going on. I'll leave the lists and 
dicts to you then, if you already have a idea of how you are going to do 


> Cheers
> Nik

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