[pypy-dev] refcounting woes

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Fri Mar 17 02:40:17 CET 2006

Christian Tismer wrote:
> Well, I know there is a lot going on on GC and stuff,
> so this obcervation might not be new, but well, here it is.
> I figured that when we call the ll_decref operations, we actually
> create an except block for the decref. This expectblock
> then does a cleanup, by calling the same function again :-)
> Probably not really what we wanted to do.
> just in case this might help -- chris

Oupps I forgot to mention:

This effect can be nicely seen if you run


with the viewer (make sure to have the file inside pypy).

Hit escape three times until you get the final flow graph,
and look at the tiny function call_destructor__dummyPtr

Besides tze fact that we are still overdoing with refcounting,
you see an exception handler that makes no sense.

best - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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