[pypy-dev] Random updates

Elmo Mäntynen elmo13 at jippii.fi
Thu Jun 22 11:44:56 CEST 2006

Elmo Mäntynen wrote:
> holger krekel wrote:
>> Hi Elmo, 
>> On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 02:20 +0300, Elmo Mäntynen wrote:
>>> A small complaint about py.test: a segfaulting test crashes py.test with
>>> EOFError and with an older rev of 2.5
>>> compilemodule.py _demo errored and I got a pdb prompt, but py.test
>>> test_compilemodule.py reported a success nonetheless!?
>> Maybe the test doesn't do the same test as the direct invocation
>> of the compilemodule.py does?
> Actually, they seem to do the very same thing: they call
> compilemodule('_demo'). If they weren't doing the same thing, would the
> test be testing the right thing? Anyway, I happened to update my
> python2.5 and don't have any record of what happened, so I can't be sure
> about it.
Actually, there's one difference:

    except SystemExit:
        if not interactive:
        raise SystemExit(1)
    return driver.cbuilder.c_ext_module

where interactive is True for the direct invocation. Could this just be
the fault of a broken CPython interpreter?

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