[pypy-dev] small patch for translator/c/src/ll_osdefs.h for win32

Scott Dial scott+pypy-dev at scottdial.com
Sat Jul 29 17:27:49 CEST 2006

Armin Rigo wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 01:41:11PM -0400, Scott Dial wrote:
>> Nevertheless, in the future the results will be at 
>> http://scottdial.com/pypytest/
> Thanks a lot!  Can we link to this page from the "Status" section of the
> documentation index?

You sure can. I'll do my best to keep it available as much as possible. 
I'll be moving in 3 weeks and there'll be some days of downtime while I 
get my internet hooked up there, but otherwise I intend to keep it 
updated and available.

I'm not sure what time is the best for it to run daily. I've currently 
set it run daily at midnight GMT. Although I may have to change that 
depending on my sleeping behavior.. when it runs probably isn't that big 
of a concern as long it gets run, yah?

Scott Dial
scott at scottdial.com
scodial at indiana.edu

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