[pypy-dev] small patch for translator/c/src/ll_osdefs.h for win32

Lawrence Oluyede l.oluyede at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 13:21:57 CEST 2006

On 7/27/06, Lawrence Oluyede <l.oluyede at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The rctypes-based modules' includes shouldn't go in the static .h files.
> > They are generated automatically by genc if you use the correct magic:
> > look for _includes_ in module/readline/c_readline.py.
> I definitely missed that! Thanks.

That doesn't seem to work. I commented out the includes I added to
make fcntl module compile (like sys/ioctl.h for example) and added
them to the _includes_ and this seem to work correctly only with tests
and the generation of ctypesplatcheck files. The headers are not
injected in the generated fcntl.c nor in any of the file it includes.


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