[pypy-dev] .NET build failures

Antonio Cuni anto.cuni at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 21:07:26 CEST 2006

Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com wrote:
> Hi Antocuni,

Hi Ben,

> I ran the .NET build last night and it got a lot further. The errors I get 
> now are:
> [translation:ERROR] ***** FAILURE *****
> [translation:ERROR]
> [translation:ERROR] 
> c:\docume~1\ben~1.you\locals~1\temp\usession-16\main.il(66076) : error -- 
> Duplicate label: '__check_block_5'

as you correctly spotted out, the problem was in opcodes._check; I've 
fixed that, thanks for the help.

> I also notice that you appear to have identifiers with hundreds of 
> underscores appended. Is this expected?
> [translation:ERROR] Assembled global method 
> memo_get_unique_interplevel_subclass_4______________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> ____________________________________

Yes, it's expected. Appending underscores it's a way to get unique names 
for methods and classes, though I didn't think to get such a big number 
of underscores. I changed the code and now I append a unique number at 
the end of the name instead of a list of underscores.

ciao Anto

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