[pypy-dev] PyPy Post-EuroPython 2006 Sprint Report

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Sun Jul 9 13:54:17 CEST 2006

Greetings from an assortment of tired brains at CERN, home to a larger
assortment of hopefully less tired physicist brains.  We are reaching
the end of a succesful and well-attended (24 participants!) sprint.

3.5 days times 24 people is a bit more than two man months of work --
we are going to try to cover all we've achieved, but will undoubtedly
forget some stuff!

Summer of Code student Lawrence and his mentor Arre spent the majority
of the time integrating Lawrence's SoC work -- ctypes implementations
of various CPython extension modules -- into PyPy.  He has implemented
the time, mmap and fcntl modules so far, and the work at this sprint
concentrated on putting the time module into the form required for
PyPy -- making it a mixed module, conforming to the restrictions of
rctypes and fighting the extension compiler.

Brian Sutherland and Sad Rejeb also joined in this play, attempting to
convert some prewritten performance sensitive caching code used in
Zope(!) somewhere to a mixed module suitable for feeding to the
extension compiler.  Unfortunately the resulting code was no faster
than the pure Python version... probably because of the ext-compiler
using refcounting for GC.

Antonio appeared to spend his entire time writing commit messages but
somehow must have written some code in between (with the help of *his*
SoC mentor, Armin) because now all of PyPy's Standard Interpreter can
be rtyped with the ootypesystem.  "All" that remains are the dict
implementation and external function support in the CLI backend before
IronPython has a competitor in the shape of PyPy.Net :-)

Guido (not *that* Guido) being the JavaScript deity he is wrote a JS
tool to instrospect the DOM methods and produce useful information for
Maciej's SoC (we only had three SoC students here...) project.
Unfortunately browsers' JavaScript implementations are famously
eccentric and running his tool popped up the Print dialog box twice
and then crashed Epiphany.  It proved marginally less frustrating to
write a scraper for Mozilla's documentation and fix the broken HTML
he found there.

Aurélien, Ludovic and part of Armin tried to figure out why the
example of coroutine cloning written for the "What can PyPy do for
you?" talk didn't work.  Assorted mind boggling bugs were found and
fixed, with the aggravating result that it now works fine when run on
the llinterpreter but crashes -- after a while -- when translated to
C.  More wizardry will be required here...

Just before the sprint Maciej attempted to improve the annotator's
error messages and he and Samuele spent some time fixing this new code
(it's very frustrating when your error printing routines crash on

A varying team of people including but not limited to Pieter, Carl
Friedrich, Maciej and Alexander worked on alternative, hopefully
faster implementations of Python data types, particularly strings and
dictionaries.  We now have efficient representations of slices of
strings and for the result of adding two strings, all completely
transparent to application-level.  For a sufficiently cooked
benchmark, we are now up to seven times faster than CPython (and use
30 times less memory).  On the dictionary side, we stole an
optimization for CPython: assume on creation that a dictionary will
only contain strings keys and switch to an alternative implementation
on the insertion of a non-string key.  This makes pystone and richards
both around 20% faster, some benchmarks up to 40% faster (but also
some a few percent slower).

Alexandre and David started to think about configuration and option
handling, but got distracted when they tried to run a translation on a
64-bit machine (or more specifically, a machine with 64-bit userland),
because it broke in obscure ways.  A few obscure fixes later and it
worked again apart from stackless, and another few fixes fixed that

Michael and Fabrizio worked on the stackless code, "un-inlining" some
of the frame-state saving code with the goal of reducing the size of
the generated code.  This involved taking Fabrizio on a whirlwind tour
of one of the scarier areas of the PyPy codebase, but he survived and
the feature was implemented, although the size reduction was not as
great as had been hoped -- more investigation required (we also need
to build a stacklessgc build to check that).

Michael and Fabrizio then worked on AST- and bytecode-level
optimizations, which mostly involved building an infrastructure to
make modifications of the AST easier.  They implemented a simple
constant folder at the AST level and at the bytecode level an
optimization to remove the temporary tuple in code like "x,y=y,x".

Simon and Eric resurrected and experimented more with LLVM's JIT
interface.  Simon then worked with Ludovic and Arre on implementing
RPython support for numarrays and Eric worked on making the output of
genc compilable with C++.

Guido and Holger implemented the beginning and perhaps the middle but
probably not the end of doctest support in py.test.

After some discussion with Alexandre, David and Holger, Guido and Carl
Friedrich began to work on the rather ugly-looking task of taming
pypy's growing menagerie of options.  They started to implement a
general mechanism for defining a hierarchy of options, handling
dependencies and conflicts among them.  From this you can generate
optparse Options for command line interfaces and will one day be able
to generate a web form to choose among the zoo of pypy's options.
They used the config mechanisms to de-insane the selection of the
various object space variants.  This, for example, makes automated
testing of the above-mentioned variant string and dictionary
implementations possible.

Pieter worked on random modules^W^Wthe random module, porting it to
RPython and implementing some missing functions.

So, after a pre-sprint (for some of us), a conference and a
post-sprint, we are well prepared for the usual post-sprint week long
sleep.  Apart from Carl, he has an exam on Friday.  Oops!

Met vriendelijke groeten,

   This proposal, if accepted, will probably mean a heck of a lot of
   work for somebody.  But since I don't want it accepted, I don't
   care.                                   -- Laura Creighton, PEP 666

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