[pypy-dev] Confusion with meaning of "Stackless"

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Dec 18 21:15:24 CET 2006

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
> On 14 Dec 2006 at 7:48, Armin Rigo wrote:

> Thanks for the explanation. I find that "Stackless" is still 
> associated with Scheme like continuations and unlimited recursion 
> [1]. But yes, the PyPy documentation clearly states that  "Stackless" 
> means greenlets, coroutines and tasklets at the application level.

Well, I should try to update that page.
While it is still true, the basic machinery
can support continuations, and infinite recursion
was available in every Stackless. The "tamed" continuations
which are greenlets, coroutines or tasklets seem to be
what is much more acceptable for the users.

ciao - chris

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