[pypy-dev] Re: Mixed modules for both PyPy and CPython

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sat Apr 15 09:29:55 CEST 2006

Hi VanL, 

On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 13:45 -0600, VanL wrote:
> Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
> > Careful. "Restricted Python" (or RPython) means something very
> > specific in PyPy lingo. Restricted Python means that you stick to some
> > restrictions in your coding style to make type inference possible. See
> >
> > 
> http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/coding-guide.html#restricted-python
> >
> >
> Sorry - I knew that.  I just didn't make the connection from one side of 
> my brain to another.  Maybe "secure python" (spy)?

just as a side note: "secure" is a very vague term, technically (and 
politically).  The professor i learned with, warned against talking 
about security without specifying against which kind of attacks and about 
which scenarios one is talking about it. 

Did you see my security related posting a few days ago, btw? 

> What made me think this would work are a couple of comments made here 
> and on the py3k list.
> First, Armin (about a year ago, I think)made some comments about the 
> objectspace abstraction allowing a "Remote Object Space" and allowing 
> different object spaces to participate in the evaluation of code.

Right, that is still an open topic, a bit touched by the
parallel discussion on this list of integrating PyPy (and
RPython) with CPython. 

> Second, comments on py3k list indicated that secure python is difficult 
> because of a) introspection, b) type inference, and c) GIL acquisition. 

Hum, this list looks a bit weird to me.  Could you state what
the actual attacks are for which security measures are discussed? 
Or which use cases are people on py3k having in mind? 

cheers & thanks, 


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