[pypy-dev] Fw: Crash!

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Sep 29 01:02:28 CEST 2005

Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com wrote:

> Hi Samuele,
> My build configuation is windows, no boehm, no lomem. Is there an option 
> to build a debug binary on windows? If so i'll look into what's happening 
> for you! The visual studio debugger is pretty good.

You need to build a project for Windows. If you like, I can send you
one, or I might check mine in as an example.
Problem is (for my VC++ 7.1) that it is not really usable with too
large files. And every step in debugging takes 2 seconds. No fun.

ciao - chris

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