[pypy-dev] Re: Project suggestions

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Sep 29 00:51:13 CEST 2005

Aurélien Campéas wrote:


> Builtin ops like bignums arithmetic or whatever is implemented in C is 
> obviously fast. OTOH, I wonder if some implementation choices of current 
> CPyton, and part of its slowness, were made balancing simplicity of the 
> code versus speed (stackless could be an example of a faster 
> implementation, couldn't it ?). I remember having read stuff about that 
> in some distant past.

At that time this was true, Stackless had been 5% slower than
normal Python. Somewhere at 1.5.2 :-)
But at the same time, I had implemented an aceleration of the
interpreter loop of 10-15 %, which worked especially well with
the windows compiler. Python was not interested in my path, only
recently they are selling their grandma for a little speed.

So I took the chance to speed up my slightly slower Stackless,
to get a little advantage for those who didn't realize the
real benefits of Stackless.

Summary: No, it isn't faster, maybe even slightly slower.
But it can be much faster if you use its features to implement
your algorithms in a way Python cannot do it. Which still gets
more relative because they pushed generators to the extremes
(still limited but good).

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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