[pypy-dev] Project suggestions

Boria Feigin boria at fbg.uklinux.net
Fri Sep 23 14:02:02 CEST 2005

Hi, All

I am an undergraduate student (at a top-5 CS university in the UK)
looking for a fun final-year project to sink my teeth into.

Over the last couple of months, I became quite interested in programming
languages, interpreters, virtual machines, and so on. I found out about
PyPy at Holger Krekel's talks at 21C3 in December and now it seems like
an ideal way to do all of these things!

Can anyone suggest pointers to areas of PyPy that need work? Or, better
yet, ideas that need further development -- research in literature,
prototyping, and implementation?

Thanks for your time.

Please CC me -- I am not on the list.


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