[pypy-dev] (no subject)

Anders Lehmann serendipity-soft at get2net.dk
Wed Sep 21 18:31:38 CEST 2005

Hi all,

Next #pypy-sync meeting on freenode.net is tomorrow Thursday at 1pm as

Regular topics

* activity reports (3 prepared lines of info)
* resolve conflicts/blockers

Here is my draft proposal of

Topics of the week


     What more do want to do with this ?

A pypy scrap-book ?

     Should we have a special place to collect press coverage,  
quotes, conference presentation, etc

There remains about two weeks before the Paris Sprint, are there  
other areas that need refactoring which could be done before Paris ?

Please propose additions and changes.

See you tomorrow at 1 pm.

Kind regards

Anders (ale)

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