[pypy-dev] Translating code to LLVM

Eric van Riet Paap eric at vanrietpaap.nl
Sun Sep 11 18:53:07 CEST 2005


We not yet tested the LLVM on Windows, but I believe the files will be 
stored in the \temp\usession-* directories.
The current SVN head is not compatible with the current translate_pypy . 
I would suggest you stick with pypy0.7
for testing the basic functionality. I think it is also a good idea to 
run the unittests in pypy/translator/llvm/test first
to see if things work.


Baptiste Lepilleur schreef:

> Chris Lattner wrote:
>> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, Baptiste Lepilleur wrote:
>>> Following the getting started instruction, I'm trying to get the LLVM
>>> translation pgcd example below.
>>> I'm on Windows XP using LLVM cvs build with VC++ 7.1.
>> ...
>>> ...
>>> opt: Invalid Top Level Block Length! Type:1, Size:49557 (Vers=0,
>>> Pos=8) 
>> This sounds like an LLVM problem: the assembler is producing an
>> invalid bytecode file.  Either the .ll file is broken (in which case
>> the assembler should have rejected it) or the bytecode writer is doing
>> something wrong.  In any case, if you gzip up the source and email it
>> to me, I'd be happy to look at it.
> I would be happy to do so, but what is the location of the generated 
> .ll ?
>> -Chris
>>> With PyPy SVN head, I get a more direct error:
>>>>>> print t.llvm()
>>> [...] truncated
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>>> File "E:\prg\py\App\pypy\pypy\translator\translator.py", line 201,
>>>   in llvm filename = gen.gen_llvm_source()
>>> File "E:\prg\py\App\pypy\pypy\translator\llvm\genllvm.py", line 179,
>>> in gen_llvm_source
>>>   codewriter.append(self.gcpolicy.declarations())
>>> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'declarations'
>>> Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong ?
>>> On another topic, where do the generated files go ? I tried to find
>>> the files generated by the c and llvm translation but couldn't find
>>> them...
>>> Baptiste.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> pypy-dev at codespeak.net
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>> -Chris
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