[pypy-dev] *FREE on-site* PyPy helper in exchange for PyPy MENTORING!?....

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Sep 8 17:43:30 CEST 2005


On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 11:51:21AM -0700, seberino at spawar.navy.mil wrote:
> There is a slight chance I may be able to convince US Navy to let me
> visit Europe for a few months to learn about cutting edge European
> software technologies.


> This may be the chance I've been looking for
> to talk about PyPy source with gurus *in person* to come up to speed
> fast on it and be a real contributor to PyPy project.
> What can I give back to encourage someone to mentor me?

Just to add to the answers already given, this is definitely a group
project, in the sense that you will probably not find one of us ready to
give mentoring single-handed -- or more to the point, thinking that he
should necessarily do so.  We try to focus this effort in writing good
documentation and keeping the #pypy channel alive -- we are basically
working on #pypy between the sprints.  Feel free to drop by (very
approximately, you have a good chance to find us between 11 and 19 UTC).

The sprints themselves are the most productive meetings, and the best
place for learning as well; most people go beyond the basics by
attenting sprints.  So I can only mention again the Paris sprint :-)

If you want to plan for a longer trip, then there is probably no
preferred part of the year, with the exception of EuroPython which is in
the summer.

Feel free to introduce yourself (Python background etc.) here or on

A bientot,


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