[pypy-dev] pypy sync meeting on 3th November, 2005

Carl Friedrich Bolz cfbolz at gmx.de
Thu Nov 3 00:56:54 CET 2005

Hi PyPy-dev!

yet another wonderful pypy-sync meeting is coming! Please be all there 
and send me a mail with your activity report if you cannot come.

pypy-sync developer meeting 3th November

Time & location: 1.00 - 1.30 pm (GMT+2) at #pypy-sync

Regular Topics

- activity reports (3 prepared lines of info,
- resolve conflicts/blockers

Annotated Topics of the week

gothenburg sprint top.ics

(topic suggested by Bea, moved over from last week)

We have a sprint planned at the beginning of December in Gothenburg. 
What should the topics of the sprint be? Will it be a more open sprint 
or more rather targeted at core developpers?

finalizing the release

The release seems to be progressing very well, there are some small 
final tasks to be distributed, like who sends out the announcement 
mails, etc.

See you all tomorrow,

Carl Friedrich

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