[pypy-dev] coming to the Goteborg sprint

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Thu May 19 21:59:49 CEST 2005

Hi Eric, 

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 21:30 +0200, Eric van Riet Paap wrote:
> I have booked my flight to Goteborg to attend my first sprint, I arrive on the 30th of june and depart on the 8th of july.

> So I would like to introduce myself in this email.
> My background is in the games industry. Instead of writing a nice story here, I will refrain myself to a list in chronological order.
>   - BBS for C64
>   - Chess, checkers, Awari programs, mostly for dedicated (8 bit cpu) hardware.
>   - Playstation one game called Dodgem Arena
>   - Various webgames
>   - Virtual reality software writting in C++ with OpenGL for graphics and Python for interaction in the 3d worlds
>   - Custom-made CMS written in Python for Financial Times newspaper subscriptions
>   - Fulltime dad for last 6 months

I guess the latter is the most challenging job :-) 

Actually you probably intended to send this to pypy-sprint but that 
is also rather public so don't worry. 



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