[pypy-dev] Re: [pypy-svn] r12320 - pypy/dist/pypy/documentation

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon May 16 00:09:10 CEST 2005

hpk at codespeak.net wrote:

> Author: hpk
> Date: Sun May 15 19:57:58 2005
> New Revision: 12320
> Modified:
>    pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/getting_started.txt
> Log:
> i am unsure what to do about things 
> such as t.view() which start a full gui. 
> commenting t.view() out for now 
> to stop the tests opening pygame-windows 


>          >>> t = Translator(test.is_perfect_number)
> -        >>> t.view()
> +        >>> #t.view()

You mean for testing the embedded example?
Well, but without the t.view(), the rest of the text
makes no sense, too.

Maybe we should put a flag somewhere else that certain
things should be deactivated, at least in some batch
testing we would not want any interactivity I guess.

ciao - chris

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