[pypy-dev] Re: polishing / pypy-dev tracker

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Sun May 15 14:28:47 CEST 2005

Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> writes:

> I guess I'll need some real data to judge, but it looks bad in links and
> pretty unusable in Netscape 4.74.  I guess you can't easily do something
> about it, and I should go forward and install a recent browser and be
> patient every time I want to start it...

If you're used to Netscape 4, you won't be that disappointed with
modern browsers' startup times...


  It's actually a corruption of "starling".  They used to be carried.
  Since they weighed a full pound (hence the name), they had to be
  carried by two starlings in tandem, with a line between them.
                 -- Alan J Rosenthal explains "Pounds Sterling" on asr

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