[pypy-dev] Re: Compiler

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Mon May 9 16:32:30 CEST 2005

Hi Ludovic,

(Replying here for reference, repeating our IRC conversation)

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 12:59:01PM +0200, Ludovic Aubry wrote:
> > The difference with the getattr() case is that the operation that
> > replaces it, a getitem on a constant dictionary, has a reasonable
> > C-level equivalent, namely a (precomputed) hash table lookup.
> sure, I discussed that with Hoelger already, thing is the visitor isn't
> used for parsing but only by the EBNFParser which parses the python
> grammar file and turn it into a tree of grammar object
> This should be called only at startup time.

Then there is no need to change this source, indeed.

> I must say I am not sure whether the following call in recparser/__init__.py:
> PYTHON_PARSER = pythonutil.python_grammar()
> really is called at bootstrap time ?

Yes, "bootstrap time" is actually a long time.  All .py modules are
imported at bootstrap time.  Their 'def' and 'class' statements are all
executed at bootstrap time -- defining new functions and classes is
forbidden in RPython.  It means that you can actually put any strange
full Python code in the global "top-level" code of any module.  The
above line can go in the globals of the most convenient module, not only

A bientot,


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