[pypy-dev] Build and test failures

Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com
Wed Jul 13 11:03:28 CEST 2005

Thanks for that!

Unfortunately thats exposes a new problem, as there is a function called 
RaiseException included by windows.h! Maybe all your macros should be 
prefixed by PyPy_
or something.

It sounds like you are getting close to the translate_pypy target. Would 
it be possible for you to give a summary of the problems you appear to be 
having with the PBC code (as evidenced by some of the commit messages)? 
I'm just interested in what the problem appears to be, and whether it's 
just something you're going to have to live with, or if there is an 
architectural solution? 

I don't really understand the PBC side of things. Is there a reason why 
the object hierarchy can't just mirror the way CPython does it? Or would 
that be too slow?

Thanks for all your help!


Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> wrote on 12/07/2005 17:40:40:

> Hi Ben,
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 10:10:28AM +0100, Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com 
> > This first is that on windows, a couple of headers are not available. 
> > fixed this by patching locally with:
> Thanks.  I commented out the #includes for now, as they come anyway with
> <Python.h>.  Later, we will need to re-enable them to become independent
> of CPython, with lots of #ifdefs and possibly a 'configure'-based build
> system similar to CPython's.
> > 
> > _________________________ entrypoint: test_time_clock 
> This failure should be fixed now (by copying all of CPython's
> time.clock() implementation).
> > I hope you all had fun at the sprint!
> Definitely :-)  Thanks, and thanks too for keeping a close eye on PyPy
> :-)
> A bientot,
> Armin

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