[pypy-dev] new repolayout proposal

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sat Jan 15 13:03:31 CET 2005


please find a draft of an envisioned new PyPy repository layout here: 


i plan to implement this new scheme early next week when we discussed
and possibly modified it some. It does not try to prescribe 
the complete structure of all directories yet. 

Note that probably any new layout will very likely be
incompatible with the old one so everyone will have to adjust
checkouts accordingly. 

If you'd like to come up with completely other ideas then 
please add your proposal to the doc/newrepolayout.txt file 
by appending e.g. a section "new repo layout proposal No. 2". 

If you have slight modifications then just edit the current
proposal accordingly or post them here.  Of course, we can 
discuss general questions/considerations here on pypy-dev 
but let's try to keep the discussion as concrete as possible :-) 



On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 12:55 +0100, hpk at codespeak.net wrote:
> Author: hpk
> Date: Sat Jan 15 12:55:23 2005
> New Revision: 8293
> Added:
>    pypy/trunk/doc/newrepolayout.txt
> Log:
> a repo layout proposal 
> Added: pypy/trunk/doc/newrepolayout.txt
> ==============================================================================
> --- (empty file)
> +++ pypy/trunk/doc/newrepolayout.txt	Sat Jan 15 12:55:23 2005
> @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
> +===========================================
> +Proposition: new svn repository layout 
> +===========================================
> +
> +Motivation
> +----------
> +
> +The `PyPy repository layout`_ has evolved for two 
> +years into something that needs some refactoring 
> +to become more practical. 
> +
> +For example, the `trunk/doc`_ directory was originally intended
> +to hold developer documentation but nowadays it contains
> +funding, negotiations, mails and misc-other-stuff documents.  It is
> +not easy and obvious anymore to know which files are relevant.
> +Moreover, `trunk/doc`_ is too far away from the source code:
> +developers currently checkout the 'trunk/src' directory and
> +don't even get the documentation. This also makes it more
> +difficult to keep the documentation up-to-date. 
> +
> +.. _`trunk/doc`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/trunk/doc 
> +.. _`PyPy repository layout`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/
> +
> +New repo layout proposal Nr. 1
> +------------------------------
> +
> +Based on experiences in various repositories here is a
> +new proposition describing a possible new structure 
> +(starting at /svn/pypy):: 
> +
> +    branch                  # holds branches 
> +    tag                     # holds tagged dist-versions
> +
> +    dist                    # holds current development 
> +        pypy                # current trunk/src/pypy 
> +            documentation   # developer documentation (inside pypy!) 
> +        py                  # and other 'externals' 
> +        setup.py            # should be there at some point 
> +        README.txt          # tell how to run PyPy, the translator, tests 
> +        LICENSE.txt         # copyright notices for tree parts including pypy 
> +
> +    doc                     # non-dist documentations (papers etc.pp.) 
> +        talk                # various pypy-talks 
> +        paper               # various pypy-related papers (including our own)
> +        sprint              # sprint related information (reports etc.pp.)
> +        irclog              # IRC logs (snipped appropriately) 
> +
> +    www                     # website-related stuff (needs its own reconsideration) 
> +
> +    funding                 # funding related documents 
> +        eu-info             # official information from the EU 
> +        contract            # contract material (EU-contract, amendments) 
> +        eu-report           # eu reports (time/cost/budget) 
> +        ...                 # probably more, we'll see later 
> +
> +The idea is that developers can use a simple url::
> +    
> +    svn co https://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist dist-pypy 
> +
> +in order to get everything neccessary for sourcecode, documentation
> +and test development.  Obviously, if you care about the funding 
> +or web site application/contents you can do an appropriate checkout
> +as well.  
> +
> +Note, that having documentation inside the source tree will help
> +with keeping a closer eye on documentation - especially when we 
> +have special ref-integrity tests for the documentation (which itself
> +should reference real source-code/functions at some point). For 
> +example, the refactoring of unitest.py-style tests to `py.test`_ based ones
> +"forgot" to modify our test-documentation in the too-far-away doc-folder. 
> +We should move to a scheme where such an omission will raise real 
> +test errors. 
> +
> +.. _`py.test`: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/test.html 
> +
> _______________________________________________
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> pypy-svn at codespeak.net
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