[pypy-dev] LLVM backend

Alexander Kellett pypy at lypanov.net
Sun Feb 6 22:28:02 CET 2005

hi carl / arigo,
could i ask of a quick favour?
i'm interested in the performance of :
   1000000000.times {
     d = d + 1
   puts d
as in, just a loop that goes from d=0 to d=1000000000 and prints d out 
at the end.
for some stupid reason a few people have decided to benchmark
this with mono and ruby and i wanted to show them the
llvm and psyco results so they could weep ;)

On Feb 6, 2005, at 9:53 PM, Armin Rigo wrote:

> Hi Carl,
> On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 05:53:11PM +0100, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
>>   - Does my approach makes sense at all? I never did anything even 
>> remotely
>>     similar so I might be doing lots of stupid things.
> I believe it makes a lot of sense, yes.  For writing the 
> implementation of
> individual operations, instead of assembler, there might be a way to 
> write
> them in some other language and compile them with an LLVM compiler.  I 
> don't
> know if we would have to do it in C and install the C front-end, or if 
> there
> is some simpler C-like language "natively" supported by LLVM.  But in 
> both
> cases such an approach might be helpful.
> A bientot,
> Armin
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