[pypy-dev] next pypy-sync meeting

Eric van Riet Paap eric at vanrietpaap.nl
Wed Dec 14 12:21:56 CET 2005

Hello world of PyPy,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the next pypy-sync meeting.

Time & location: 1.00 - 1.30 pm (GMT+1) at #pypy-sync

Regular Topics

- activity reports (3 prepared lines of info)
- resolve conflicts/blockers

Topics of the week

- pypy-sync meetings attendance
- mallorca sprint topics
- start of pycon-sprint planning / determine timing (mwh&hpk  
volunteered to care)
- Logic Programming / Aspect Oriented stuff: status and how does it  
get more visible to the group?

Please let me know if there is anything else you feel we should discuss.


Eric van Riet Paap

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