[pypy-dev] Re: some next steps

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Aug 30 20:11:48 CEST 2005

Dinu Gherman <gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de> writes:

> Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra:
>> So, this seems to be a bug fixed in CPython after 2.4
> Phew - good news! ;-)
>> I'm a *big fan* of the pypy-team and pypy-itself. But I do not think
>> __this particular case__ is fair enough to advertise PyPy getting it
>> wright where CPython got it wrong.
> Quite true! In fact, both should implement the same language!
> And from that point of view it sounds strange to suggest com-
> parative tests, except maybe for finding implementation buglets
> like this one, maybe especially in the standard library...

Implementing PyPy has found more than one strange bug in the CPython
implementation, to be sure...


  > Well, as an American citizen I hope that the EU tells the MPAA 
  > and RIAA to shove it where the Sun don't shine.
  Actually they already did. Only first they bent over and dropped
  their trousers.      -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz & Toni Lassila, asr

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