[pypy-dev] restructuring lib-python-2.3.4 / testing

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Fri Apr 29 11:18:25 CEST 2005

Hi Holger,

On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 03:31:38PM +0200, holger krekel wrote:
> With the above proposed location i would suggest
> to put this result directory into: 
>     lib/python-2.3.4-testresult/ 
> If there are no objections (even better: agreement :-) 
> i am doing that this night or tomorrow. 

In complement with what you said: the idea here is that if you go to
lib-python-2.3.4/test/ and run py.test (with or without specific test names),
by default the test is run "the slow way" (i.e. by running py.py test_xyz.py)  
and its output is recorded in a file result/test_xyz.txt, together with some
information like revision number, date/time, etc.

Holger: I am now thinking that you were absolutely right when you suggested
one test-result directory per user.  I re-ran some tests, now I do an 'svn
up', and I get conflicts, of course.

One directory per user at hostname would even be better.  However, this will
create a whole lot of data, so it might be best to put it at some place
outside the pypy/dist root, if possible...


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