[pypy-dev] whitespace policies

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Thu Apr 21 20:28:21 CEST 2005

Hi all, 

apparently i am one of the people who happily add spaces at
the end of lines (more or less unconciously but i think it
also relates to my vim usage patterns, whatever).  I remember
Armin complained once about these extra spaces.  The main
problem with these extra spaces is that if a someone's editor
automatically scraps those whitespaces (like apparently, Armin's
emacs did) then that someone will produce large unmeaningful 

Now my question is, do we want to "enforce" or at least 
state in our coding-style document one policy or the other?  
I see two options: 

1. you should NOT use editor settings that scrap trailing 
   whitespace on source code or documentation.  You will note
   "wrong" editor settings when you see 'svn diff's ala:: 

   -  some line content 
   +  some line content

   which indicate that you only changed whitespace. 


2. you should use editor settings that scrap trailing 
   whitespace on source code and documentation 

Obviously, the second option should be accompanied by
a monster-commit changing all those lines in one go.  

What do you think?



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