[pypy-dev] Re: utest conversion tool question

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Thu Jul 1 19:51:19 CEST 2004

Hi Terry, 

[Terry Reedy Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:42:42PM -0400]
> Is there any publicly accessible document on utest? the basic design, what
> it is about, how it differs from unitest?

unfortunately currently not, there only is 


> Is replacing .assertEquals with assert the main thing?  Are you catching
> AssertionError in order to continue with further tests or are you using a
> customized test-mode assert?

We are building AssertionErrors so that they contain detailed 
information about the asertion-expressions. For this, we override 
the builtin-AssertionError but re-interpreting arbitrary exceptions
from the catching-side of std.utest is also possible. 

> Looking at the PyPy site, I only found 'New unit testing framework (not
> ready yet)' on the Test Design page, a paragraph in the Amsterdam report,
> and the current utest threads that began June 15 and which assume
> pre-existing knowledge of what utest is.

Yes, this is a ll more or less outdated, sorry. 

> I am asking because I want to use TDD on a new project, from the beginning,
> but I am not especially happy with either doctest or unittest.  (The latter
> could work, but the heavy class framework reminds me of why I use Python
> instead of Java ;-).

Then you should definitely consider std.utest.  I hope to have more instructions
ready soon. i am just incredibly busy with other stuff (among them the dreaded
EU PyPy negotiations). 



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