[pypy-dev] An opportunity for PyPy/Stackless?

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Jan 19 17:13:18 CET 2004

Jeremy Hylton wrote:


> This is part of a DARPA project to support supercomputing in the US. 
> Not sure it's a great fit for Python.  Will a super-optimized Python
> program approach the performance of a super-optimized parallel Fortran
> program?

Probably not with Stackless, since this is still Python.
But with PyPy, thje generated super-computing program
might be optimized and specialized away that much, that
all objects are broken down into primitives, and then,
in fact, "Python" can outperform optimized Fortran.
maybe even better than Fortran, since the algorithm for
generating this optimized code was written in a high
level language. :-)
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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