[pypy-dev] Re: Andy Robinson wants to pen in a day for the ACCU Python-UK conference

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Jan 6 13:57:18 CET 2004

Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> writes:

> Hello Andy, hi pypy-dev fellows, and happy new years to you all!
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 11:34:47AM +0100, Laura Creighton wrote:
>> We're trying to have a day on all the 'new implementations
>> of python' at ACCU - Jython, .NET, PyPy, Psyco, Stackless
>> etc.  It occurs to me the relevant people are probably
>> with you now.  I'd LOVE to wrap it up with an overview
>> talk on how they will all converge one day, if that's still
>> the plan.
> Yes, it is what we hope to reach!  I would propose that the PyPy group should
> give two talk if you are interested in such an overview talk -- the other
> talk, assuming you are also interested in this aspect, should be more
> specifically on PyPy, what we've done so far, its architecture, etc.
> I could give a talk more specifically to Psyco, relating it to PyPy as well.
>> if they want a sprint in Oxford that week?  I can look
>> into sprint facilities in January if it helps...
> We're thinking about a February sprint at the moment, but I guess we also need
> to make up our minds soon and answer your April proposal.  Comments, 
> pypy-dev'ers?

Well, I really ought to be able to make it to Oxford pretty easily...


  ARTHUR:  Yes.  It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing
           cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door
           saying "Beware of the Leopard".
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 1

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