[pypy-dev] sounds like fun.

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Sun Feb 29 12:06:23 CET 2004

In a message of Sun, 29 Feb 2004 11:48:48 +0100, holger krekel writes:
>[Laura Creighton Sat, Feb 28, 2004 at 12:47:50PM +0100]
>> http://www.flashmobcomputing.org
>just need to grab a plane :-) More seriously, i wonder if
>they couldn't do it over the internet ...
>Another interesting question what this has to do with
>PyPy (or did i miss anything?) :-)
>    holger

Well, I was vaguely thinking -- aha, so _that's_ the sort of operating
system we need to make, to handle these sorts of crazy people -- and,
indeed, why not over the internet?  (For these people, of course,
it is 'so we can get media attention').  People are at least trying
to think about networking in different ways :-)

Be nice if we gave them a language they didn't have to count the bits
in to develop some of these ideas.

But that all sort of just passed through my mind in a nice rosy
feeling, and then I posted here...  sorry about that...


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