[pypy-dev] Multimethods again

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Feb 26 18:12:22 CET 2004

Armin Rigo wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I just found out a neat way to do simple multimethods in Python, so I thought 
> I'd share it with you :-)

Hoohooo, is that! neat.

> The following is only for dispatching over two arguments.  The idea is to use 
> a pair(a,b) object that is just like a tuple (a,b), but with methods.  Any 
> (regular Python) method that you put in the class of pair(a,b) works like a 
> multimethod dispatching on both a and b.  The metaclass hack is only a 
> syntactic convenience.
> I don't know if this is relevant to PyPy.  It's probably one of the shortest 
> multimethod implementations for Python, whereas PyPy's is probably one of the 
> longest :-)

I like the idea very much! Can we adopt this for pypy?
Highly elegant.
Also it appears to be quite efficient.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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