[pypy-dev] from private mail out of discussion on building a community pythion website

Dinu Gherman dinu at mac.com
Thu Nov 20 09:25:46 CET 2003

Laura Creighton:

> from discussion on marketing python, re: some place where we could all
> contribute more, a place where we could all contribute python hints and
> help and whatever, plus links to our blogs, and something written for
> suits, and we get to use Tim Parkin's logo which python.org rejected...

Hi Laura and others,

it's not entirely clear to me why this message pops up on this
particular PyPy-list, but read on...

Patrick K. O'Brien wrote:

> Laura Creighton <lac at strakt.com> writes:
>> What I wanted was a set of basic templates, that establish a look.
>> and then the abilty to edit what I want to say _in emacs_ using some
>> sort of basic markup -- like ReST.  And then, all you really have to
>> do is type.
> I agree completely with this sentiment.  Here is what would be my
> ideal system:
> * text files written using reST conventions
> * text files stored in cvs or svn
> * style sheet to work with reST that ends up looking like Tim's design
> * the result is static html pages that are search engine friendly
> Here is how people would contribute website content:
> * read tutorial about reST and updating content
> * ask for privileges at the cvs or svn repository
> * check out the files from cvs or svn
> * make changes in preferred text editor, or
> * check out the templates and create a new document
> * run unit tests which make sure the html gets created properly
> * make sure the html results look good with the style sheets
> * check the changes into the cvs or svn repository
> * cvs or svn changes get emailed to anyone who wants to monitor them
> * someone can reverse the changes, just like code in cvs or svn
> * the website gets rebuilt from the cvs or svn reposity each day
> If the content is in reST, we can also produce XML, PDFs, latex,
> OpenOffice, etc.
> Thoughts?

This is largely exactly what I'm doing for my own Starship pages,
except for using CVS, see also: http://python.net/~gherman
They are created from a homebrewn Wiki system, named HeyHeyWickie,
which pipes ReST files through Docutils and EmPy to get dynamic
pages locally, but I can also create static HTML snapshots which
I'm transferring to the Starship. Right now I'm working on a PDF
"take-away" version of such a snapshot.

The main feature is that you can have arbitrary Python code on
every page (which makes it dangerous, of course, to put it online,
but it allows me to generate a whole lot of things very lazily,
i.e. at the time when a page gets called, like miniature screen-
shots, say), see some samples below:


The version of HeyHeyWickie you can download right now is quite
alpha and was quickly written for Linux Magazine. They kindly put
it online as a PDF, see:


But I hope by the end of the year a new version will be out. BTW,
here's a preview of a PDF snapshot, not entirely up to date and
with some hyperlink bugs:




PS: Here's the code for the file UnreleasedStuff.txt:

------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------

These are some screenshots of things to come, things which are not 
yet or which I'm too busy to release... Some were converted from PDF 
which are available for `download <unreleased>`__, too.

import os, wickie, utils
projectHome = "/Users/dinu/Developer/Starship/unreleased"
imgFolder = wickie.getImageFolder(BASE)
shots = utils.makeScreenshotIcons(projectHome, imgFolder)
if imgFolder[0] == '/':
     shots = map(lambda (base,small): ("file://"+base, "file://"+small), 

.. raw:: html

   @[for i in range(len(shots))]
   <a href="@shots[i][0]"><img src="@shots[i][1]" alt="@shots[i][1]" 
   @[if i % 5 == 4]
   @[end if]
   @[end for]

------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------ 8< ------

Dinu C. Gherman - http://python.net/~gherman
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." (Alan Kay)

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