[pypy-dev] Why is there a separate ExecutionContext?

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Wed Mar 5 02:28:11 CET 2003

logistix wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pypy-dev-bounces at codespeak.net 
> [mailto:pypy-dev-bounces at codespeak.net] On Behalf Of Armin Rigo
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:50 AM
> To: pypy-dev at codespeak.net
> Subject: Re: [pypy-dev] Why is there a separate ExecutionContext?
> Hello Logistix,
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 07:25:25PM -0500, logistix wrote:
>>This causes a few problems.  First of all, it's impossible to 
>>implement the EXEC_STMT bytecode, because you can't call a 
> PyFrame's 
>>eval() from inside a bytecode function since you don't have an 
>>executionContext to pass in as a parameter.
> This has been discussed and argued over at the sprint: the 
> few functions that 
> actually want to come back to the execution context or to the 
> frame can use 
> the getexecutioncontext() method. It was juged preferable to 
> add this hack 
> instead of passing an extra argument to *all* functions 
> around. Consider it as 
> an extra hidden parameter.
> Would it be semantically clearer if PyFrames got an executioncontext
> object in the constructor instead of the space object?  Space could
> still be accessed via frame.ec.space.  Frame.space.getexecutioncontext()
> seems like you're running in circles. 

I think this makes sense.

The ec acts somehow like frame.f_tstate . If we call this a
threadstate or an executioncontext, it is obviously needed.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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