[pypy-dev] finished apache2 upgrade

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Thu Jun 19 20:33:23 CEST 2003

hello pypy,

the upgrade to apache2 is completed. So from now on you can
access the subversion repository via


and don't need the ":8080" any more. Neverthelss,  port 8080
is served by the same apache2 so that continues to
work. We will fade out port 8080 end of next week, so don't 
hesitate to "recheckout" pypy.  There is no way to switch URL's in
a checked out directory except if you run a very new svn-client
(option "relocate" or so) So you have to check it all out again... 
sorry for the inconvenience. 

Also we automatized some stuff like changing passwords 
with "passwd" on shell-level should change your svn-password.
Plus some other stuff which you probably don't want to know right now.


    holger & jum

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