[pypy-dev] Re: type problems

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at bluewin.ch
Wed Jul 9 18:13:38 CEST 2003

At 18:07 07.07.2003 +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
>Samuele Pedroni <pedronis at bluewin.ch> writes:
> > If dispatch table compression is the way we want to follow it
> > becomes important e.g. to know whether our rules are monotonic
> > (table compression algos I know about need that) and to reformulate
> > delegation relationships as some kind of subtyping rel.
>If you say so :-)
>I do notice delegation is what screws a naive attempt to memoize more
>of the applicable method computation.

what I was thinking is that we should see whether a kind of class 
precedence list (CL, Dylan terminology), MRO can be derived taking 
delegation into account, e.g. for BoolObject it would be something like

Bool Int Any |here starts delegation| Float

it would not be just a list of types but a list of pairs 

With complex it would likely become:

Bool Int Any Float Complex.

If we can construct such a list, then all the usual MM stuff applies more 


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