[pypy-dev] Annotating space status

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at bluewin.ch
Sat Jul 5 00:21:59 CEST 2003

At 16:05 04.07.2003 -0400, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > For the problem with W_ConstantIterator I'm a bit confused. Where is
> > the code that allows more than just one frame to be saved for the
> > same bytecode position? In other words I don't understand how this
> > code can unroll the loops in the helpers.
>I have a feeling that the real problem here may be that the value
>stack isn't properly cloned, which means that the frames stored in
>knownframes will share their objects with the frame being modified as
>part of the current frame evaluation.  I'd bet that if you properly
>clone the value stack using clonecells(), Samuele's hack (adding a
>'changed' flag to the W_ConstantIterator class) would no longer be
>Wishing I had time to code this up,

makes sense, done. 

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