[pypy-dev] question about core implementation language

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sun Jan 19 20:51:56 CET 2003

Hello Stephan,

On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 01:50:25PM +0100, Stephan Diehl wrote:
> Here are some good things about Objective C:
> 1. Legal C code is already legal Objective C code
> 2. Objective C has a runtime engine build in.
> 3. objects classes don't need to be known at compile time (just their 
> interfaces)

This makes it a good candidate to experiment with.  Remember, the purpose of
this project is not to write the interpreter in C but in Python, and use C as
an intermediate assembly-level language.  I talked about targetting other
intermediate languages for their runtime engines, like OCaml which has a very
good GC, but that will come later.  Objective C and Java are also potential
targets (though I must admit I prefer cleaner high-level languages).

A bientot,


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