[pypy-dev] What do we know for sure?

Edward K. Ream edream at tds.net
Fri Jan 17 20:20:06 CET 2003

At the start of any experimental project I think it is a good idea to
catalog what it is that we know for sure.  This is a "dangerous" list
because mistakes here might close off promising avenues.

Still, here is what I think we can say for sure about minimalPython/psyco:

1. It is clearly possible to generate code using a git that will execute
faster than the equivalent code in the C interpreter.

2. Some kinds of code can be generated without knowing the types of _any_
operands.  At least part of the flow of control code falls under this
heading.  Therefore, it _might_ be possible to move some of what psyco does
to "compile" time.

3. Python is a dynamic language.  Therefore, a big challenge is to know when
to use already compiled code.

Does anyone have anything they would like to add to this list?

Does anyone dispute what I have said?  Any corrections would be most


Edward K. Ream   email:  edream at tds.net
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines
Leo: http://personalpages.tds.net/~edream/front.html

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