[pypy-dev] Questions about the C core

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Tue Jan 14 01:22:13 CET 2003

Marc Recht wrote:
>     I have the same goal. I also don't hesitate to use
>     some abbreviative tools for repeated code, maybe.
>     But only if it helps to simplify, not to change the
>     language.
> I was only thinking about the actual build process, not about the 
> language itself.



> I thought about using XML as a formal description for generating stuff. 
> For example CastorXML (a java xml databinding framework, 
> http://castor.exolab.org) uses XML Schemata to generate simple data 
> classes with XML marshaling/unmarshaling functionality.. Though I'm not 
> sure at which part of the MiniPy build process generating code could be 
> useful, I think it should be kept in mind.

Will be kept in mind. Canning data structures into XML
schemata can be very helpful. I had to do this in a
large project, and it gave me lots of insights!

> "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." -- Donald E. Knu
> th

Can you please make that sentence not wrap any longer? :-)

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