[pypy-dev] Pypy Roadmap

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Mon Jan 13 18:19:02 CET 2003

Bengt Richter wrote:
> Hi, this sounds interesting ;-)
> I was wondering how you were planning on identifying concrete tasks
> and assigning and tracking them, and keeping status visible to support
> cooperation.

Good question.

> Do you already have CVS and bug/issue tracking methodology settled?
> I.e., such stuff is nuisance overhead or sanity preservation depending
> on the task, and the development phase, and scale/distribution of effort.

Nothing yet but this mailing list.
The whole "project" is about one week
old, and it consists of a lot of emails
with random ideas, and the insight that
there is something in a couple of brains
that really wants to materialize and creep

> Is there one single home page that leads to everything relevant, with some
> indication of historical vs current vs fire alarm links?

That's the next thing to do, I guess.
I'm a bit reluctant to use SourceForge.
If I can manage, I'd liek to use my own
new server for the CVS, install a Wiki
and so on. This will hopefully be figured
out during this week, as time permits.

> Here are some things that occur to me to think about in making
> a roadmap for your project. If you would make something like it
> to reflect your _actual_ project plans, it would help me (and maybe
> some other lurkers ;-) get an idea of what you are really up to ;-)

[huuge list of heading lines to be filled]

Oh well, this is really an awful lot of work
to do, and I'm so happy that we are a group
of people and can spread some of the work.

> Well, that's all the thoughts I have for now ;-)

Once we have some basic pages, your thoughts
can be found there, again.

all the best -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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