[pypy-dev] Re: Base Object library (was: stdobjspace status)

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Thu Feb 27 20:55:43 CET 2003

Laura Creighton wrote:

[snipped almost all, totally agreed]

> The best one
> will be determined by things like 'can Armin and Christian make it go
> _really fast_, which is something we aren't supposed to be thinking
> about now.  (Though its hard not to sometimes. :-) )

My problem is simply that we are too abstract
for my taste, yet. I'd like to build abstraction
with concrete implementation at the same time,
because I need a proof of concept, early.
What I need is one long line from the very upper
levels, which I like very much, down to the
primitive code that *really* implements it in
some way not les efficient that CPython.
I need t get my "environment definitions", to
be able to work on that ground level.

But I agree that we shouldn't stick with only
repeating CPython, so there is a need for
different abstraction levels, which are
maybe missing in the current picture.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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