[pypy-dev] Re: stdobjspace status

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Tue Feb 25 19:03:38 CET 2003

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Christian Tismer <tismer at tismer.com> writes:
>>Michael Hudson wrote:
>>>Is this the problem that we sometimes push interpreter level objects
>>>onto the applications's stack?  I'm not sure we have much freedom here
>>>unless we fiddle the compiled bytecodes.  But I'm still a little fuzzy
>>>on the issues.
>>Oh, do we do that?


> Yes!  It's a bug.  But neither Armin nor myself have found the brain
> cells to sort this one out yet.

Hey, this is then a very good reason to implement
a restricted array object. You just plug it into
the frame as its stack, and it will crash when
it feels abused. :-)

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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