[pypy-dev] pypy-dev List Summary - 06 Jan 2003 to 31 Jan 2003

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Fri Feb 7 11:38:27 CET 2003

Hello Rocco,

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 10:00:45PM -0500, Rocco Moretti wrote:
> >Reading the summary i noticed that we really have a lot of loose
> >ends but i am probably not the first one to notice that. 
> Would you (or anyone else, for that matter) mind posting a list
> to start people thinking/discussing?

I plan to go through Troy's summaries and identify the main ones that either
reached some conclusion "we should do the thing like that" or leaved several
such possible conclusions opened.  Then I will make corresponding Wiki pages
and encourage people to post code snippets and experiments there.  I will
also gather links to such experiments that have already been posted in
pypy-dev and put them there.

My motivation is also that I have myself a couple of such experiments that I
would like to share :-)  bare with me if it reflects my very own point of view
only -- better yet, add your own pages.  It's a Wiki!

A bientôt,


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