[pypy-dev] pypy-dev List Summary - 06 Jan 2003 to 31 Jan 2003

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Thu Feb 6 21:42:43 CET 2003

[Troy Melhase Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 11:15:46AM -0900]
> apologies * 10000
> I had no idea that the text would contain look like that in some mail readers. 
> Next time, I'll do the whole thing in emacs.  Or better yet, pico. :)

i am wondering * 10 * 10

I didn't mean 'loose ends' in a syntactic but semantic way. 
Or am i not getting something?

> I did run the text thru docutils, and it formatted the titles and links as I 
> had hoped.  Did you have something different in mind for the formatting?

no.  But I have to integrate docutils-css into my general-css for the
pypy-site.  That's coming. 

everything-is-fine-ly y'rs,


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