[pypy-dev] Sprint last week in May

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at bluewin.ch
Mon Apr 21 21:14:07 CEST 2003

At 13:16 20.04.03 +0200, Laura Creighton wrote:
>I propose we have a Sprint in Gothenburg where I live the last week of
>May.  Gotheburg is conveniently 1 hop away by Ryan Air from London
>Stansted, and Frankfurt Hahn.  Virgin Express also flies to Gothenburg.
>The last week of May could mean anything from Friday the 23rd to
>Sunday the 31st.  We need to set the exact dates.  I think the next
>thing to do, after setting a date, is to set up a date and time to
>meet on #pypy.  (Unless you prefer discussing on a mailing list).  I
>would like to find out who besides Christian, Armin, and Michael (whom
>I have heard from already) are interested in attending this Sprint.

I would like to attend. Btw, it would be good - if possible - to know soon 
whether the sprint will take place, because in that case I have some things 
to reschedule.


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