[pypy-dev] [issue16] try: except: fails to catch exceptions in non trivial cases

Rocco Moretti pypy-issues at codespeak.net
Sat Apr 12 23:52:44 CEST 2003

New submission from Rocco Moretti <roccomoretti at netscape.net>:

The current exceptionmatch() function in baseobjectspace.py
only handles the trivial case (exception to be matched is
identical to the one raised). The associated subversion diff
should allow parent classes and tuples to be allowed in the
except: clause.

files: except_diff.txt
messages: 32
nosy: rocco
priority: bug
status: testing
title: try: except: fails to catch exceptions in non trivial cases
PyPython issue tracker <pypy-issues at codespeak.net>
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