[pypy-commit] [Git][pypy/pypy][branch/hpy-0.0.2] 2 commits: WIP: introduce the debug version of HPyType_FromSpec and fix tp_new

Antonio Cuni foss at heptapod.net
Sat May 1 05:12:43 EDT 2021

Antonio Cuni pushed to branch branch/hpy-0.0.2 at PyPy / pypy

07b7076d by Antonio Cuni at 2021-04-15T13:36:37+02:00
WIP: introduce the debug version of HPyType_FromSpec and fix tp_new

branch : hpy-0.0.2

- - - - -
376d23a9 by Antonio Cuni at 2021-05-01T11:12:02+02:00
merge commit eb10a0b62fe3 into the latest head.

Commit eb10a0b62fe3 was lying around in my computer because I forgot to push
it weeks ago :(.

Note what happened BEFORE this merge: W_ExtensionFunction did:
    handles = State.get(space).handles

so it always took the universal HandleManager: this means that when we called
a method (as opposed to a module-level function) we always passed the uctx,
even if we loaded the module with debug=True. So the [debug] tests passed, but
many were not actually using the debug ctx

This is also the reason why state.handles is marked as "XXX temporary": we
should kill it and make sure to call state.get_handle_manager(debug=...)
whenever we need it

branch : hpy-0.0.2

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- pypy/module/_hpy_universal/interp_slot.py
- pypy/module/_hpy_universal/interp_type.py

View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/compare/38bbc76236467093143b152f4355ab139e3d9720...376d23a976247942052acaf79fbde42f95ddd2f0

View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/compare/38bbc76236467093143b152f4355ab139e3d9720...376d23a976247942052acaf79fbde42f95ddd2f0
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