[pypy-commit] [Git][pypy/pypy][branch/default] 3 commits: deprecate PyPy.h but add it to the embedding docs, issue 3608

Matti Picus (@mattip) foss at heptapod.net
Sun Dec 5 05:12:24 EST 2021

Matti Picus pushed to branch branch/default at PyPy / pypy

29ddc6ea by Matti Picus at 2021-12-05T08:21:30+02:00
deprecate PyPy.h but add it to the embedding docs, issue 3608

- - - - -
388482ab by Matti Picus at 2021-12-05T12:00:44+02:00
update cffi via pypy/tool/import_cffi.py

- - - - -
771f8eb4 by Matti Picus at 2021-12-05T12:12:03+02:00
rename cffi.egg-info to cffi.dist-info and update files from cpython cffi wheel

Updating the METADATA file should be part of the import_cffi tool, but it
is complicated to generate the file from the setup.py sources (not shipped in
our version). Maybe if cffi moves to a setup.cfg file instead ...

- - - - -

18 changed files:

- extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi0/test_version.py
- extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi0/test_zintegration.py
- extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi1/test_cffi_binary.py
- extra_tests/cffi_tests/test_c.py
- extra_tests/cffi_tests/test_version.py
- − include/PyPy.h
- + lib_pypy/cffi.dist-info/LICENSE
- lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/PKG-INFO → lib_pypy/cffi.dist-info/METADATA
- lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/entry_points.txt → lib_pypy/cffi.dist-info/entry_points.txt
- lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/top_level.txt → lib_pypy/cffi.dist-info/top_level.txt
- − lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
- − lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
- − lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/not-zip-safe
- − lib_pypy/cffi.egg-info/requires.txt
- lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
- lib_pypy/cffi/_embedding.h
- pypy/doc/embedding.rst
- + pypy/doc/pypy.h.rst

View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/compare/cc79ca89d376265cd1f19a5b84b78c2a62079fc7...771f8eb4deee1dff710eb29d2d3bd9cb41500976

View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/compare/cc79ca89d376265cd1f19a5b84b78c2a62079fc7...771f8eb4deee1dff710eb29d2d3bd9cb41500976
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